The best benefits of swimming


Swimming is one of the most recommended sports by doctors due to its low impact and multiple benefits. Find out all about it in this article. Swimming is definitely one of the most complete sports that exist. It is an aerobic exercise in which two thirds of the muscles of the body are involved. Do you want to discover the best benefits of swimming? Continue reading.

First of all, it is a sport that improves endurance and flexibility. In addition, it can be practiced at any age and regardless of physical condition. Of course, the earlier you start, the lower the risk of injury and the greater the benefits for the body in the short and long term.

The best benefits of swimming

1. It would be beneficial for bone health

This sport produces low impact on the bones and joints because, by immersing the body in water, it “weighs less” since it is governed by the principle of buoyancy.

In this way, the body does not receive the impact of asphalt or hard surfaces that it faces when practicing other sports. For this reason, many medical specialists recommend swimming for the recovery of many injuries, especially those that have to do with a joint.

2. It would improve muscle flexibility

According to data from Harvard Health Publishingpracticing this sport would improve strength, endurance and flexibility. With this, elasticity would also improve.

When swimming, we use most of the muscle groups, both the legs and the arms. In this way, the joints would be more flexible and the muscles would be toned and strengthened, especially those of the back. For this reason, it would be a useful sport for people who suffer from:

  • Hernias.
  • Low back pain.
  • Hip problems.

3. It would reduce the body fat index

This is one of the best benefits of swimming, in fact it is the reason why many people choose to practice this sport. With swimming, it is estimated that between 500 and 600 calories could be burned for each hour spent swimming, of course depending on the intensity applied in the practice of sport.

For this reason, doctors often recommend the inclusion of swimming in the routines of those who start a weight loss program, of course accompanied by a change in eating habits.

4. It would combat chronic diseases

Practicing sports in a moderate and constant way is always good for the body. Although there are no specific data on the influence of swimming on cholesterol, it is believed that it would help reduce blood cholesterol levels, while promoting the increase of good cholesterol.

Those paraplegic people who practiced swimming for a long period of time managed to improve their levels of good cholesterol and, therefore, decrease the risk of heart disease. However, further research is necessary.

On the other hand, it is believed that swimming, like other low impact sports, could improve some clinical picture of asthmadiabetes or hypercholesterolemia, and even decrease pain in people with multiple sclerosis. However, the scientific data in this regard is inconclusive.

5. It would improve cognitive activity

Swimming would also provide neuronal and cognitive benefits, that is, mental ones. When we practice this sport, we activate the two cerebral hemispheres and the four lobes of the brain.

This activation appears to lead to increased cognition and some protection against possible stroke, as seen in a long-term study in rats. Although the data is promising, we have found no evidence to support this benefit in humans today.

6. It would enhance the circulatory and respiratory system

Swimming would improve oxygen consumption by up to 10%. According to a comparison of lung capacity with runners, this sport would grant the widest improvement.

In addition, it is estimated that the heart could boost blood up to 18% more. This would be evidenced in a better circulation since it would decrease the heart rate. On the other hand, respiratory exercises would imply an increase in cardiorespiratory resistance.

7. Best benefits of swimming: the psychological ones

Immersing ourselves in the water and concentrating on the breath would produce an immediate effect: the body would relax and the sensation of stress would be reduced.

Improve mood and would be beneficial for people with severe dementia, even it is believed that symptoms of depression may also improve.

When practicing swimming, as well as other sports, the body releases hormones called endorphins that enhance a positive attitude and an overall feeling of well-being.

Best benefits of swimming, conclusion

Swimming is a very complete sports discipline that can promote health in many aspects. The best? It can be practiced by both children and older adults, as it is a low physical impact exercise that is also recreational.

Still do not practice this sport? If you find it difficult to do physical activity, swimming is a good option to start. From the beginning you will have more vitality and better physical and mental health. 


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