Jealousy and envy affect health


Envy and jealousy cause bitterness and a negative air, both for the person who feels them and for who is the object of that envy. They are destructive feelings, in both directions.

“Jealousy”, that is the name of the emotional response that a person feels when he suspects that his partner may be cheating on him. Jealousy is a very complex feeling that someone can experience when they feel threatened by something they consider “their own”.

In the same way, you can feel jealousy or envy for the success or for the properties that other people have and that we would like for ourselves. Let’s look at each one in detail.


Similarly, there are two kinds of jealousy: the “healthy ” who are those who generally feel towards the couple.

However, there are also the “pathological” or better known as unhealthy jealousy. These can be very dangerous in any relationship.

Normal jealousy

They are what a person feels because of the worry or fear of losing a loved one. In general, this kind of jealousy is based on concrete facts.

These are easily resolved through dialogue. Actions that have unfortunate consequences and that can harm other people are not usually carried out.

Pathological or unhealthy jealousy

These are the ones that people with some kind of emotional imbalance generally feel. Also, they are very insecure and believe that they are not worth enough for someone to love them sincerely.

These people often feel complex and hostile. This type of jealousy is very destructive and usually ends in tragedy.

Differences between the two types of jealousy

There is a great difference between these two types; while the former do not have to present a clinical manifestation, pathological jealousy presents clinical manifestations at various levels. On the emotional plane, anxiety and / or aggressiveness are frequent; at the cognitive level, intrusive thoughts related to infidelity; and, at the behavioral level, the demands of security or compulsive rituals (motor and verbal) in order to control the spouse.

These people can spend time looking for clues that can lead them to discover being loved with another person. They look in their pockets, on their cell phones, and can even hire private detectives to confirm their suspicions. People who are pathological or sickly jealous often need psychological help.

Most people who have this kind of jealousy and who want to get out of this terrible problem should undergo specialized treatment.

Envy: Another type of pathological jealousy?

Envy can often be confused with jealousy. However, they are actually very different feelings.

For this reason it is very important to learn to recognize these differences. In this way we will be able to correct these behaviors that are quite detrimental to mental and emotional health.

The difference is, especially, that envy is felt by something or someone you want to have. Instead, jealousy is felt when you fear losing someone or something you already have.

When it comes to the work environment, it is very common to feel jealousy mixed with envy. This is quite damaging, perhaps even more than jealousy towards the couple.

Envy and jealousy are feelings that only cause bitterness and a negative air, both for the person who feels it and for who is the object of that envy. “Envious people” may have certain characteristics:

  • There are changes in the way we treat ourselves if we are successful.
  • They always try to destroy our reputation.
  • They look for defects and criticize us for everything.
  • When they make a comment they rely on irony and are very sarcastic.
  • They are indifferent when we have some achievements.


When we refer to jealousy and envy, we are talking about feelings and emotions. Therefore, they are found in the depths of the people who suffer them, and this can interfere with their peace and happiness.

These kinds of feelings are very destructive, both for those who suffer it and for those who receive it. They can even occur in equal measure in men and women, there are cases so aberrant that the envious can physically assault the envied, without a just reason.

How can pathological jealousy and envy be avoided?

These are values ​​that must be instilled in the family from childhood.  All children should always be taught respect for others. When we educate our children correctly, they will never harbor feelings of envy or selfishness in their hearts and souls against anyone.

Since pathological jealousy can cause problems both in a relationship and in oneself, we recommend going to a psychologist to adopt new strategies and mitigate them. And, if the person recognizes that she is ill, it will be much easier for her to be put into treatment as soon as possible, since this pathology can lead her to commit many errors that in most cases can be irreparable.


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