Exercises to strengthen the breasts


By toning the pectorals we will be able to avoid sagging breasts and we will be able to raise the fallen bust. We must be consistent and perform these routines every other day The muscles of the chest occupy a large part of the surface of the breasts, are located below them and are called the pectorals. Now, to strengthen the breasts there are several exercises with which you can get different benefits. Here we tell you about them.

Exercises to strengthen the breasts

Bench exercise with dumbbells to strengthen the pecs

  • First, lie on the bench with the dumbbells in your hands, arms outstretched behind your head, and palms up.
  • Then, make continuous, circular movements, move your arms away from your body, and then move them closer until they end on top of your thighs.
  • Perform 5 sets of 10 repetitions.

Exercises to combat sagging breasts

  • Do push-ups to work the muscles below and above the breasts. Lie on your stomach with your hands at shoulder level and lift your body until your arms are fully stretched and your back is straight. Then slowly lower and return to the starting position.
  • For the next exercise you should use a bench and some dumbbells. Then lie on the bench face up, with the dumbbells in your hands and palms facing forward. Then raise your arms and slowly lower until your arms are parallel to the ground.

Of both, you can do 4 sets of 10 repetitions every other day.

It will be more effective that these exercises are performed every other day so that the chest muscles recover properly from the possible tears of the muscle fibers.

Fat burning exercises

Decreasing weight gradually and progressively may improve the overall appearance of the breast area somewhat.

It is important to tone your breasts with cardiovascular exerciseYou should include exercises like walking, jumping rope, and running. These are ideal for burning calories. Do them at least four to five times a week for 45 minutes.

Also, elliptical training, swimming and rowing are effective. Well, they help burn fat and strengthen the pectoral muscles at the same time.

On the other hand, you can also do the following exercise:

  • Lie down on a bench and use two dumbbells. Next, place your arms on your chest, and lower them slowly until they are parallel to the floor. Finally, go up to the starting position. Perform 3 sets of 20 repetitions.

To these exercises to strengthen the breasts, it is essential to add the consumption of a diet rich in nutrients, abundant in fruits, vegetables, whole grains and lean meats.

Also, avoid sweets, processed foods, and coffee, which add excess calories. It will be important that you make smaller meals to increase metabolism and reduce fat.


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