The 3 best natural remedies to relieve insomnia


In addition to the aforementioned remedies, it is important to get tired at night to combat insomnia, so it is recommended to exercise, as well as avoid mid-afternoon naps. Insomnia is a rarely welcome companion, due to the negative consequences it can have on the affected person. Its causes can be very different, let’s see some of the most common.

For example, a dizzying pace of life. Having a busy routine, in which certain habits such as eating or sports are not properly managed, has a very detrimental impact on rest.

The accumulation of stress, or even worries that we cannot escape, also have very negative effects at bedtime. Likewise, disorders such as anxiety and depression can also rob us of sleep.

Insomnia can also arise as a natural response of the body. Like when a person abruptly changes time zones or the change of season, which can also alter our biorhythms.

Here we present a series of natural, simple and homemade alternatives that help combat insomnia. Furthermore, ingredients are easily found in any supermarket:

1. Tea

  • Linden or linden tea is one of the most recommended and used ingredients for this condition for its sedative effects. This herb allows you to fall asleep and end nighttime awakenings. It is also capable of relaxing muscles.
  • Another option is Valerian. This plant, like the one mentioned above, has relaxing properties and helps alleviate insomnia. 

2. Milk

Hot milk is another traditional home remedy to alleviate this circumstance. Thanks to his melatonin intake, he manages to fight insomnia.  However, it should not be consumed in excess, since other research from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology shows that protein-rich foods, such as milk, make it difficult for tryptophan to enter the brain. And therefore, fall asleep. To optimize its effects, we can add a little honey to it.

3. Aromatherapy

His aromas given off by certain vegetable oils can be processed and treated as “tranquilizers” by our brain. The most widely used fragrances are those that evoke the smells of roses, orange, lemon and lavender.

There are also candles or essential oils of mandarin or lemon verbena that help those affected by insomnia. It is recommended to start therapy about 20 minutes before going to bed.

Other considerations

There are other small habits that we can introduce into our daily routine to try to end insomnia. The results may not be totally immediate, but their regularity contributes to the fact that in the medium term we do notice a better rest.

  • One of the measures we can take is to eliminate naps. That way, when the night comes your body will be tired and you will be able to fall asleep more easily.
  • Stay away from screens, because they stimulate your brain activity. While you have the TV on or are using your mobile or tablet, it will be more difficult to sleep. The lights, especially the brighter ones, will keep your brain stimulated and prevent you from relaxing.
  • In the same way, stay away from social networks and news portals, because they can show delicate topics that alter you. And, therefore, that they affect the normality of your sleep.

Change your habits!

  • Exercise regularly. In this way you will expend body energy, so that at night you will rest peacefully. Add this to your work routine and you will be tired enough that insomnia is not part of your life.
  • Avoid caffeine. The coffee is a perfect drink for performance and maintain alertness during the day, but its intake is not recommended at night.
  • The chocolate is also exhilarating, so moderate consumption during the afternoon. Eating sugar late at night will only result in the brain receiving stimuli and being forced to continue its activity.
  • The same happens with alcoholic beverages, since they alter the normal values ​​of the organism. This prevents you from achieving deep sleep.

Incorporate all these habits into your daily routine. You may not notice great results in the short term, but if you persist and make it easier for your body to fall asleep, the benefits will come. However, if insomnia persists, it is preferable that you go to the doctor to delve into the possible causes that are causing it.


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