Relieve headache and stress with acupressure in 30 seconds


The purpose of this technique is to stimulate blood circulation and relax the muscles. For the energies to be balanced we must apply pressure symmetrically Acupressure or acupressure is one of the oldest alternative therapies that are applied to relieve different ailments. To practice acupressure it is necessary to learn to identify and work on pressure points. These are those where there are accumulations of nerves located in certain areas of our body, such as the temples.

By working these areas of our body properly, we can stimulate blood circulation and relax the muscles that are under tension and that can cause pain. Most common headaches usually occur as a result of stress and tension. To alleviate this problem and minimize its effects, we present some acupressure techniques that you can easily practice at home.

Acupressure: an effective technique

The acupressure is a noninvasive strategy used to manage various symptoms. This practice has its roots in traditional Chinese medicine and consists of something very simple. The person trained in this technique exerts pressure on certain points of the body, such as the soles of the feet or hands, the pinna, the fingers…

Acupressure is effective for the treatment of chronic low back pain. We are, therefore, before a resource that we can use to our benefit in something as simple as reducing the sensation of localized stress in the head.

How should the pressure be applied?

When applying pressure to any of the areas of our body, we must make sure to apply the same pressure to the point on the opposite side. That is, if I apply pressure to one temple, I will also apply pressure to the other part so that there is a balance of energy.

Also, to stimulate this area, you can apply either firm pressure, a slow and circular massage, or a stronger friction, depending on the type of physical response you want to obtain. Pressure can be applied with the fingers, knuckles, palm or thumb.

Acupressure to combat headache and stress

We already know that acupressure is effective in relieving pain. However, can this practice really decrease the feeling of stress? Today we have, for example, very interesting studies on the subject that tell us about something very specific. This technique has been shown to reduce, for example, classic anxiety prior to surgery.

Let’s see how to do it.

Massage the temples

The temples are located on the sides of the head, at the level of the eyebrows.

  • To know more exactly where they are, place your thumbs on the outside of the eyebrows and move them about a centimetre and a half towards the head area.
  • When you have placed them, gently press and massage the temples simultaneously, counterclockwise. You can do this massage for up to a minute, breathing deeply while doing it.

Inner ends of the eyebrows

Just above the bridge of the nose and at the inner ends of the eyebrows, there are two pressure points that can also help relieve headache and tension. In this case, applying pressure is not highly recommended, as it can produce a feeling of discomfort. Ideally, massage your index fingers for 30 seconds.

Little finger and wrist meeting point

Locate the point where your little finger and wrist meet and apply constant pressure for about 30 seconds. Do this same pressure on both wrists and feel the tension headaches ease.

For total relaxation

If you want to totally relax, eliminate stress and headache, make a fist with your left hand with your thumb on your index finger. The acupressure point is just where the thumb and index finger meet, just above and to the left. Again, apply pressure for 30 seconds and repeat the same process with the other hand.

Use your feet

The pressure points on the feet are connected to the organs of our body. To stimulate them and relieve headaches, apply pressure to the area between the big toe and the second toe.

  • You should use your thumb and press on the top for 30 seconds or a minute. Another option for relieving headache and stress with acupressure is to press the bottom of the foot behind the foot bone. Again it is pressed for 30 seconds and done on both feet.

Skull base

This point serves to alleviate the most intense headaches. To do this, the index fingers should be placed at the base of the skull and spread one inch sideways until depression is felt in this area of ​​our body. Pressure should be applied to these two points and gently massage for 30 seconds or one minute.

To conclude, as we have seen, acupressure can be useful and effective to alleviate those specific headaches associated with stress. However, let us remember that if these states lengthen greatly over time and limit our quality of life, we should not hesitate to go to our primary care physician.


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