Marriage separation: tips to face it


Separation is a difficult stage to face, it can be more bearable if you follow some recommendations to face it in a positive and mature way.

Separation is a difficult stage to face, it is a grieving process and you are going to need time, patience and above all a positive mind. Think that a separation is not synonymous with loss, failure or disappointment, it is simply the end of a stage of your life.

It could be more bearable if you follow some of these recommendations to face it in a positive and mature way. However, remember that what we indicate here are just tips that do not have to work for you. That is why we recommend that you go to therapy if you need professional help to face your separation.

Do not act on impulse

Try not to act impulsively with your ex-partner. Think very carefully about each of the things you are going to do and above all what you are going to say. When people are hurt, they often say things they regret later, so take it easy and don’t let anger speak for you.

Likewise, if the opportunity to return with that person presents itself, it is better that you meditate on it, for some reason you were at the point of separation. This does not mean that it is not only a couple crisis, but take your time to think hard about what you want for your life.

Face the pain of separation

Separation is a grieving process, it is normal to feel pain. You are separating yourself from someone you loved and with whom you have shared part of your life. You have to try to take the situation calmly and try not to fall into negative thoughts. Relaxing herbal teas can help you achieve more serenity.

Look for distractions from separation

If we have a problem and continually think about it, we can help in some way to make certain diseases manifest or exacerbate some of its symptoms.

It is advisable to distract ourselves and not constantly think about separation, try to keep your mind occupied with other things, thinking more about your life projects:

  • The job.
  • The family.
  • Friends
  • Practice exercise regularly.

Do everything that keeps your mind distracted and, above all, that makes you feel happy.

Your ex is not your enemy

Maybe you and your ex have not finished in the best way, but this is not a reason to hold grudges in your heart. Holding on to hatred is like taking poison and waiting for the other person to die.

Although it can be difficult, remember that person as the one who made you happy for some time, hate is only going to complicate the situation making the whole process of separation much more difficult.

Forgive your partner

If you have children, keep in mind that, even if it is no longer your partner, it is still the father or mother of your children. Hate can cause them suffering, and of course we take it for granted that neither parent wants it.

Neither best friends nor enemies

In a separation, it is almost impossible to apply the phrase “if I saw you, I do not remember”, you are separating from someone who was or is still very important to you.

If it is a final separation and not a couple crisis, of course it will be good to stay away. However, in the event that the separation is by mutual agreement, the two of you can help each other to accept the new situation.

Separation and children

A very important thing in a separation process is not to use children as a means of communication with the ex-partner, being messengers can affect them.

It is also not advisable to speak ill of your ex-partner in front of children or other people, no matter how angry you are or how much damage they have done to you. It says something about you talking bad about your ex-partner, so don’t fall into this mistake that is so frequent nowadays when there is a separation.

Other recommendations:

Some of the recommendations that we give you below are related to healthy habits and will help you feel and look better , such as practicing exercise regularly, not drinking alcohol, eating a healthy diet and especially surrounding yourself with people the ones you want and love you

Lastly, if you think that your partner wants to continue by your side and you too, fight for that love, put aside pride and rancor.


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