How can you improve your intellect?


To keep him young and active, exercise your brain whenever you have the chance. Try to memorize lists, play logic games and do mental operations, either on the street or in the supermarket. Aging is something that we cannot escape. However, it is possible to take care of yourself at all levels so that this process does not happen very quickly. The best start is to exercise the brain. Do you know how you can improve your intellect with basic activities? In the same way that you take care of yourself to feel younger and reduce wrinkles by applying creams or going to the gym, your mind is something that you must also take care of.

There are many fun ways to keep cognition active. We invite you to put into practice the simple exercises that we are going to explain here. They are also a great hobby!

How can you improve your intellect

Logic Games

Logic games are one of the best ways to practice reflexes as well as jump-start your mind. The good thing about these exercises is that, currently, you can easily find them online.

For this, you can see all the pages that are on the internet with these games. Also, if you have a smartphone or a tablet, you will see that there are a huge number of applications with which you can get these entertainments. You will have a good time playing and, at the same time, you will be exercising your mind.

Street workout

Another way to reinforce your memory can be paying attention on the street, when you go shopping or while you go to work. Try to see, for example, the license plates of the cars and memorize them, or learn the prices of each of the products you take home.

For math, shopping can be a good method; you can add the price of all the products and check if you have done well when you go to pay. In addition, there is also the possibility of trying to add the license plates or any other number that crosses in front of you.

How can you improve your intellect? Does the diet have something to do?

Eating a healthy diet is another way in which you can keep your body healthy. So could diet also play a role in cognitive functioning?

Some studies, according to the Mayo Clinic, indicate that reduced vitamin B-12 levels may be associated with an increased risk of dementia. In any case, and regardless of its function in memory, vitamin B-12, like other vitamins, remains an important part of a healthy diet. That is why we recommend eating a healthy and balanced diet.

Don’t forget to get enough rest

Another factor that we must take into account is that the brain responds better to stimuli when it is well rested. Therefore, it is necessary that we sleep the 8 or 9 hours that are necessary to maintain good cognitive health.

Lack of sleep disrupts the ability of brain cells to communicate with each other, leading to temporary mental lapses that affect our memory and visual perception.

This is of utmost importance for children, adolescents and, in general, all people who are studying. These are stages of life in which the brain is constantly tested; often, we must force the mind and retain ideas, so rest is essential.

Following these basic tips can be a good option to maintain your cognitive health. Of course, there are no magic formulas: you will not become “smarter” overnight.

However, you could experience even more lightness for solving mental issues. So, now you know what you can do to feel young and awake, you better check it out. Take care of your intellect and make your children do it too, as it is the best for their future. And remember: don’t hesitate to contact a specialist if you think it’s necessary.


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