Helpful tips for onychomycosis


Excess moisture is the perfect breeding ground for fungi, so we must ensure that the affected area is always as dry as possible. When we talk about eliminating onychomycosis, we mean treating a problem caused by a fungus that attacks the nails. It can appear on the hands, but is much more common on the feet.

This fungus is more easily found on the sides of the nail, that is, exactly where it meets the meat, but it can spread quickly to the entire nail, and even to its root.

The moment we acquire the fungus, the nail begins to deform and takes on a dark brown color and an unusual thickness, so much so that it is often difficult to cut them.

What can cause onychomycosis?

The fungi that cause onychomycosis are dermatophytes. In most cases, the cause is Trichophyton rubrum. Other fungi that can cause it are Trichophyton mentagrophytes or Candida albicans.

There can be various causes for this fungus to appear on the nails, especially those on the feet. In many occasions it occurs due to poor hygiene in this area of ​​the body, in shoes or socks.

According to the specialized Mayo Clinic website, this problem appears more frequently in older people. It is also common in people with diabetes or in those who frequent swimming pools or gyms. Those who suffer from circulation problems (due to age, for example), intense sweating or injuries such as psoriasis are also prone to suffering from it.

Maintaining moisture in the feet is a frequent cause of this infection, as well as athlete’s foot condition or other skin diseases such as psoriasis. Sometimes it occurs in people suffering from immunosuppression, either caused by some disease or by some type of treatment.

To eliminate onychomycosis, we must try to prevent it

The most basic measure is extreme hygiene. According to the bibliography consulted, washing the area well and cutting and filing the nails regularly are customs that must be followed to keep the feet free of bacteria that can cause annoying nail fungus.

In the event of any symptom related to onychomycosis, it is recommended to consult the doctor. Once you indicate the appropriate treatment, we can agree with the professional on the convenience of each of these prevention keys.

In addition, if you are going to do a pedicure at a center or clinic, it is recommended that you request the use of sterilized tools, in order to avoid the transfer of fungi and bacteria.

On the other hand, it is important that the footwear you use does not make you sweat excessively, as well as disinfecting it periodically. Similarly, the socks must be clean and preferably be made of cotton, since humidity and heat can cause fungus to occur.

Other tips

There are antifungal sprays that you can use on footwear after removing it, and if it is sports shoes, all the more reason. You should not only take care of the hygiene of your feet, but also of everything that is in contact with them.

Another key offered by the professionals of the aforementioned site is not to shower barefoot in public places, such as in gyms, swimming pools or anywhere else that many people go to. This is another easy way to catch this fungus.

One of the indirect causes of onychomycosis is food, since a poor diet can cause our defenses to be low or we may suffer from circulation problems, according to specialized medical sources. Therefore, a good diet can be very useful to help prevent this problem.

Natural remedies to help eliminate onychomycosis

To try to eliminate onychomycosis in moderate cases, it is traditionally recommended to mix tea tree oil with thyme oil and olive oil in equal parts and rub the affected nail with a cotton ball.

Then this natural recipe (not indicated by doctors, but based on popular belief) indicates that the mixture should be left to work for 20 minutes. To clean it, you can directly with water and using a brush to remove the surplus.

This method could have some scientific support, since according to the National Institute of Climate Change and Ecology of Mexico, the first of these ingredients has fungicidal effects. Likewise, thyme oil is also attributed an antimicrobial effect.

For olive oil, however, there is insufficient scientific evidence to confirm this antifungal property. In any situation, medical consultation is the most recommended alternative.

Another home remedy that is said to be very effective and simple to eliminate onychomycosis is to mix two parts of warm water with one part of apple cider vinegar. According to a study by the National University of Trujillo, this element has antifungal properties.

The traditional recipe indicates that the feet should be left to soak for 20 minutes and then dry them very well. This remedy, popular beliefs assure, works in cases of mild onychomycosis, to prevent it from spreading to other nails.

For this problem, the doctor usually prescribes topical antifungals, although you should know that the treatments are usually long. Oral antifungals can also be prescribed, and laser and surgery (only in complicated cases) are also measures that the professional can evaluate to end onychomycosis.


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