Do you consume sunflower seeds?


Sunflower seeds could offer some interesting benefits for our health. Today we will discover some of them. Sunflower seeds are a snack food that many people turn to. Their ease of ingesting them, as well as the slight addiction they cause, make pipes a fairly common choice.

We can find peeled pipes with different flavors (barbecue, with salt, with honey, Mexican, ketchup …). However, the vast majority of people look for those that have to be peeled. Its consumption is believed to help release anxiety.

Throughout this article we will discover some of the benefits that are attributed to sunflower seeds. Although some of you may already know them, others may surprise you.

The pipes would improve the mood

As we indicated above, sunflower seeds could help release anxiety. This would translate into a mood boost, but let’s see why this would happen.

The pipes contain tryptophan. Although there are no conclusive data in this regard and new research is needed, according to data from Mental Health America, this amino acid would allow us to control both anxiety and insomnia, among other conditions that we may suffer from.

Despite the fact that exceeding our consumption would not be entirely healthy, due to their high caloric value (203kcal / 35g of natural pipes), consuming them from time to time could help us feel better. Although, for this to be enhanced, we must not forget to carry out healthy lifestyle habits.

Let’s remember that exercising regularly, eating a healthy diet and taking care of our mental health are essential elements to enjoy a good mood.

They would be beneficial for pregnancy

If we analyze the nutritional value of sunflower seeds, we will realize that they are rich in folic acid (151mcg / 64g), a vitamin that is of vital importance for the correct development of the baby.

In the event of a folic acid deficiency, the risks of the baby having brain or spinal cord problems would increase.

Some of the most important consequences are the appearance of spina bifida. However, the mother may also experience pre-eclampsia, an increase in blood pressure that can lead to kidney damage, among other complications.

Would help against type 2 diabetes

The benefits of sunflower seeds in the prevention and treatment of type 2 diabetes have been supported by some studies. Specifically, consuming this food on a regular basis could help level glucose levels.

Apparently, one of its components, chlorogenic acid, would be responsible for this benefit. Its assimilation could reduce blood sugar levels by up to 10%. 

They would improve cardiovascular health

There are several studies that are still investigating the influence of sunflower seeds on cardiovascular health. This is of great importance, since heart problems are quite frequent among the population.

The nutrients in the pipes would allow the heart to stay healthy, since most fats are polyunsaturated. These fats would help decrease the risk of heart disease. Of course, as we already mentioned, we must not exceed its consumption.

They are an alternative source of calcium

When we think of increasing calcium in our diet, directly, we think of milk. However, we can obtain calcium from other sources.

One of them are sunflower seeds (110mg / 100g). Consuming them could help us enjoy healthy bones, as well as preventing osteoporosis, which, in the case of women, usually appears during menopause.

If we suffer decalcification in the bones or are at risk of suffering from any disease that may affect them, it could be interesting to include sunflower seeds among other alternative sources of calcium. For example, spinach, canned sardines, pistachios, or dates, among many other foods.

In addition to all these supposed benefits of sunflower seeds, they are rich in sodium, potassium, fiber and a number of other nutrients. All this would make them a healthy and nutritious snack, full of benefits. The best? Consume them in their most natural state, without flavors that camouflage the natural taste of the pipes. Therefore, it is always recommended to acquire them with the skin.

In addition, we must be very careful with excess salt if we choose them without peeling. In the event that we suffer hypertension or we must, for some reason, reduce the intake of salt, we must control its consumption.

Do you consume these types of pipes frequently? Were you aware of all the benefits they had?


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