Discover the benefits of walking every day


If you don’t have a chance to walk during the day, you can substitute the elevator for the stairs or run errands on foot instead of driving. The medical community is unanimous in that the benefits of daily walking are numerous. Our health will appreciate that we take a good walk when we have some free time.

Thus, to maintain good health, it is recommended to walk every day between a thousand and ten thousand steps.

If you want to discover more about what walking can do to your health, don’t miss this article. In addition, we will learn how to do it correctly. Let us begin!

Benefits of walking daily

In the circulatory system

Among the benefits of walking every day, we can highlight the activation of circulation. Among other things, in some cases it could help us alleviate the symptoms of bothersome varicose veins.

Also, walking can decrease the risk of high blood pressure or cholesterol problems.

In the same way, the simple fact of carrying out a slight daily walk will help our hearts to become stronger. This can reduce the chances of cardiovascular problems.

In fact, nurses (who walk a lot) have been shown to have 35% fewer cardiac complications than any other sedentary woman of the same age.

In your mind

On the other hand, walking on a daily basis can help to relax and clear the mind. In many cases, this activity helps people feel better emotionally, making them more bearable day by day.

It has also been shown to help the brain to a great extent, since cognitive function can be improved by walking daily.

It is especially interesting in the elderly. In this group it is essential to reduce the risk of complications at the brain level.

Even in certain cases, depression can also be improved with a daily walk, since it can help alleviate the symptoms of this problem.

However, keep in mind that walking, while positive, will not solve a health problem by itself. If you are faced with such a problem, you need to visit a professional.

Other benefits

Taking a few good steps on a daily basis can help tone your leg muscles.

Likewise, in certain cases it would contribute to improving cardio respiratory resistance, since it increases lung resistance. This can make the lungs healthier and stronger, much better resisting viral infections.

Also, amazing as it sounds, the daily walk (about 30 minutes) can greatly prevent type 2 diabetes.

How should I walk?

To walk properly, you should avoid hunched over or looking at the ground.  Try to look at how you walk one day and improve your way of doing it. After all, the way of walking is the first thing they see of us in the distance, and you can even distinguish someone by the way they walk.

Likewise, the best footwear are sports shoes, with a rubber sole to prevent slipping and a comfortable insole.

Drink water and use sunscreen

To finish, try to drink plenty of water to avoid fluid retention, as well as use protection daily if you walk in the sun. Remember that on foggy summer days they also burn the sun’s rays and therefore you should use it.

If you don’t have time to walk during the day, or take a walk, you can always walk to work, in no rush, using the stairs instead of the elevator.

Once you know the benefits of walking for your body, find time to practice this activity. It is simple, it will not take too much effort and can be useful for some health problems.


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