Reasons to exercise in the morning


What is better? Exercise in the morning or in the afternoon? Does the time not matter as long as there is willingness and constancy? Have you ever thought about why many people are preparing to exercise in the morning? And not only at home, on a mat, but they go running or go to the gym very early. Maybe even they don’t know for sure. They may simply feel good about it because they feel they make better use of daylight and time.

On the other hand, there are people who choose afternoon or night to exercise (or sport, as the case may be). Right after finishing your workday. Although it is not wrong to make a space in the routine for exercise, even when it is in the afternoon, the truth is that at this time, not all people have enough energy and strength to achieve goals.

Unlike the morning, the afternoon invites you to adopt a different rhythm. And this influences not only the physical, but also the psychological.

Why should we exercise in the morning?

First thing in the morning, it is true that the body is ‘cold’ and therefore rigid. However, with a good warm-up session it is possible to prepare him for physical activity. And although it may not seem like it, this simple procedure already makes us, little by little, gain energy to start the day.

If you train or at least go for a walk early in the morning, surely you will have experienced the benefits that this entails.

Not only were you better disposed the rest of the day, both physically and mentally, but you didn’t need to drink those 4-6 cups of coffee to ‘wake up’ every two by three. Nor did you feel the onslaught of emotional tension so intensely on your shoulders and neck. And yes, at the end of the day, you could rest better. 

If the time you use to exercise is at sunset or at night, maybe you should rethink your schedules. To help you, here are some reasons why you should give the morning a try.

Greater constancy

By overvaluing willpower, people believe they can always stick to the routine after a day of hard work and obligations.

However, the truth is that there is more desertion among people who signed up for the gym and decided to go in the afternoon, than those who decided to go in the morning.

If you give it a try in the morning, it may be easier for you to stay consistent and achieve your goals.

Less fat

According to a study from the University of Newcastle, it is proven that eating a good breakfast before exercising in the morning contributes to the improvement of cognitive performance, mood and appetite in women.

It is often said that athletes burn up to 20% more fat if they train before breakfast, even when the calorie intake is the same throughout the day.

It is also often said that the key is to exercise on an empty stomach to eliminate the reserve fat. If we have breakfast and then go for a run we will be burning the coffee with milk that we just drank.

However, fasting exercise can be dangerous for some people. Consider your metabolism and how your body adapts to exercise before taking this option.

Schedules fulfilled

It’s easier for you to stick to a schedule if you decide to train or exercise in the morning than in the afternoon. This is so because when we go to work we don’t always know when we will leave or if there will be a problem with the traffic that makes us late for class.

Throughout the week various commitments appear that separate you from the routine. And you’re more likely to be more tempted to enjoy an after office or a drink with your colleagues than to go sweat in the gym. You’re less likely to have a meeting or appointment at seven in the morning.

Endocrine and circadian enhancements

By always exercising at the same time, the body regulates itself with regard to the endocrine system and circadian rhythms. The latter are the oscillations or biological variables that are produced according to external stimuli (sunlight for example) and routine (bedtime or mealtime).

The body gets used to not only the time the alarm clock goes off. Also what he does during the first moments after getting up.

Hormones will prepare to regulate blood pressure and pump blood to the heart. Therefore, cardiovascular complications will be avoided.

Goodbye to stress

Exercising in the morning, with enough sunlight, not only helps you feel more ready to start the day, but it can also help progressively reduce stress and tension.

More energy

This advantage is related to the previous point. People who tend to be more active in the afternoon or evening are those who need more time to “start” the day. They drink more coffee or shower with cold water to get going and until 11 am they do not respond to any stimulus.

If you exercise in the morning, the body will activate immediately. At first it will cost a little, but after several days, you will be able to experience a good energizing sensation.

Better sleep

It is true that going to a gym class in the late afternoon or evening you will be so tired that you will lie in bed and sleep well until the next morning, but this can be counterproductive in terms of quality of sleep.

Instead, the morning exercise will help, little by little, so that you don’t feel the need to sleep more than 8 hours.

Controlled appetite

The first meal of the day is the most important. It is the one that provides you with all the nutrients you need to face your day. However, a good morning exercise routine will help you so you don’t want to eat everything.


Exercising in the morning can greatly contribute to well-being. Therefore, it is worth making the most of it. In addition, it can be an important emotional ‘injection’ to help us start the day in the best possible way.


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