How to control anger?


It is essential that we recognize what the triggers of our anger may be in order to prevent or recognize them and give an adequate response. It is also important to talk about it. Anger is a complex emotion that can appear in certain circumstances and that, so that it does not govern us and harm us indefinitely, we must learn to understand it and manage it correctly with the help of a professional.

Here is the key: manage anger, not repress it or pretend that it does not exist.

It is natural that we get angry in some situations. Now, we can always choose how to react in the best possible way, in order to avoid falling into a bigger problem, hurting ourselves or hurting others.

The need to control anger

Many people admit that they do not know how to control this emotion, but they do not seek help or information to learn how to do it. For this reason, it sometimes influences their personal, family, work relationships … Making all this less bearable.

When anger flourishes, the person may:

  • React impulsively and aggressively.
  • Or hold back what you feel, build up grudges, and end up hurting yourself (and being able to “explode” in a worse way, later).

“While it is true that a certain amount of anger is necessary for our survival, we cannot attack every person who annoys or irritates us, because social norms, values morals and common sense prevail ».

Anger has physiological symptoms

When a person becomes angryhis heart rate accelerates, he begins to sweat more and the temperature increases. If angry events occur regularly, it can affect health in different ways:

  • Digestive problems.
  • Weakening of the immune system.
  • Greater proclivity to suffer heart disease.
  • Deterioration of mental health (depression, compulsiveness, etc.).

Some tips to control anger

Tranquility and calm

When there is a situation that can provoke anger, it is advisable to stop to think for a few seconds before reacting. So that the answer is the most appropriate.

  • “Take a deep breath and count to ten.” And little by little we will be achieving new states of tranquility and calm that will bring us great well-being.

Retire on time

When in the situation it is notable that the reaction is going to be bad, or that you are going to react angrily in front of others, it is better to withdraw and not stay. It is good to try to know what makes our anger rise, to know how to withdraw at the right time.

  • If we withdraw in time, we will have the opportunity to observe more closely the cause of our reaction. Self-observation will help us control ourselves.

Solve problems

Knowing and knowing what things or topics make our anger come and be stronger, is something useful to solve problems that concern us. In this way they will not be a source of resurgence of anger on future occasions.

  • We cannot solve what we do not know. Therefore, we will need a little learning about ourselves, instead of focusing only on the external.

Not be destructive, but constructive

When we are angry about something, we should explain to others why we are like this. In this way it will be easier for them to understand us, listen to us and help us.

  • We must begin little by little to turn the destructive into the constructive. The merit is not from who does not have anger, but from who has it and learns to control it.

Now we already know some techniques to control this trait of our personality. The good news is that we can do it, since one is not always “as it is,” but can also change and evolve.

And remember: if you have anger problems, the best thing you can do is go to a psychologist or psychiatrist. These tips may not work to control your anger.


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