Do detox diets really work?


Detox diets are very popular nowadays. Followed by famous people, before starting this type of diet we must know its possible risks. There are different detox diets. Some are designed based on drinks, herbs, or by fasting and eating small portions of vegetables and fruits, as well as certain supplements.

Diets to detoxify the body, are rigorous plans to lose weight quickly and help cleanse your body of toxic chemicals.

Detoxifying the body is based on the fact that the body needs to eliminate toxins that accumulate due to the consumption of canned food and environmental pollutants.

But are they really safe? Do they work? Keep reading that we explain it here.

These diets encourage you to eat natural foods, and include plenty of water and vegetables, things that are good for your health. And we even hear famous people on detox diets. So shouldn’t a detox diet be a good option?

Like many other fad diets, detox diets can have effects secondary harmful we should know before applying them.

What do studies say about these diets?

While more studies are required to demonstrate the efficacy of detox diets, proponents of these diets argue that toxins do not always leave the body properly during waste elimination.

On the contrary, they claim that the toxins remain in the digestive, gastrointestinal and lymphatic systems, as well as in the skin and hair, and that they cause problems such as tiredness, headaches and nausea.

The basic idea behind detox diets is to temporarily forgo certain types of food that may contain toxins. The idea is to purify and purge the body of everything “bad.” However, the truth is that the human body is designed with its own detoxification mechanisms.

How do detox diets work?

Detox diets vary. Most of them require some fasting season, that is, stop eating for a couple of days and then gradually reintroduce certain foods into the diet.

Many of these diets also encourage people to have a colonic irrigation or enema to “cleanse” the colon. Other diets recommend taking supplements or special types of tea to aid in the “purification” process.

There are many claims about what a detox diet can do. From preventing and curing diseases to providing more energy or concentration to people.

Of course, eating a diet low in fat and high in fiber are standards of healthy eating. But people who are in favor of detox diets claim that this is due to the elimination of toxins.

However, there is a lack of scientific evidence that these diets help the body eliminate toxins faster or that eliminating toxins will make you a healthier and more energetic person.

What should you pay attention to?

Many people believe that they will lose weight if they try one of these diets. But you have to take into account some of its risks:

  • Detox diets are not indicated for people with certain diseases. They are not recommended for people with diabetes, heart disease, or other chronic medical conditions. If you are pregnant or have feeding problems, you should avoid these diets.
  • Detox diets can create an addiction. This is because the lack of food or the administration of an enema generate a special feeling. For some people, almost like the stimulation that other people get from nicotine or alcohol.
  • Detox supplements can have side effects. Many of the supplements used during these detox diets are actually laxatives, which are designed to make people go to the bathroom more often. This can produce serious health effects. Laxative supplements can cause dehydration, mineral imbalances, and problems in the digestive system.
  • Detox diets are designed only to achieve short-term goals. In addition to causing other health problems, fasting for long periods can slow a person’s metabolism. This makes it easier to regain lost weight and more difficult to lose more weight in the future.

Eat right and your body will do the rest

Of course, it is a good idea to eat plenty of fruits, vegetables, and fiber, as well as drink more water. But you also need to make sure you get all the nutrients you need from other foods. Including proteins, as well as vitamins and minerals from various sources. The important thing is to ensure a balanced diet.

Remember that the human body is designed to purify itself. You can help him by eating a wide variety of healthy foods. If you have questions about detox diets or are concerned about your weight, ask your doctor.


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