Keys to reduce varicose veins


To promote circulation, avoid the appearance of new varicose veins and improve existing ones, it is very important that, in addition to maintaining a healthy weight, we do aerobic exercises.

The veins are dilated veins that appear mainly on the legs which are the areas where there is more pressure. When we suffer them it seems that they cannot be eliminated. However, there are some tips to try to reduce them that can be very effective.

The reason why varicose veins make an appearance is due to vein valves that can be damaged or weakened for different reasons.

When this happens, the blood may stop and not flow properly to the heart. This causes the vein to swell and turn bluish in color. However, there are tips to try to reduce varicose veins that could be of great help.

How to reduce varicose veins?

Doing physical activity

The sedentary lifestyle is nothing positive if we tend to suffer from varicose veins. The reason is that lack of physical exercise is sometimes associated with weight gain. This can exceed the pressure of the legs increasing the risk of varicose veins appearing.

If we do physical exercise, whether it’s aerobics in a gym, going for a run or just walking for about 30 minutes every day, we will get our legs moving and stimulate circulation .

Avoid tight clothing

Another tip to reduce varicose veins, according to multiple investigations, is that we should avoid tight clothing. It is best to opt for baggy pants that do not squeeze the legs or the groin area.

Likewise, it is better to use low shoes, since this way we exercise the calf area. Wearing heels can be quite counterproductive if what we want is to avoid varicose veins on the legs.

What we can use are compression stockings. They prevent the legs from swelling, improves blood circulation and could prevent the appearance of varicose veins.

Improve diet

Do you have a healthy and balanced diet? Our diet should include fruits and vegetables, cereals, lean meats and contain foods that are rich in essential fatty acids.

Some examples can be found in seeds, soy and its derivatives, algae, blue fish, wheat germ and avocados. Undoubtedly, foods that can be an innovation and that will help us prepare other types of dishes that we were used to.

Natural medicine

In addition to putting all of the above into practice, there are some natural remedies that could help reduce varicose veins. One of which we will talk about next refers to a very interesting study.

According to own research, elder flowers are widely used in herbal medicine to stimulate circulation. The high content of glycosides, flavonoids and organic acids that it has make it an anti-inflammatory ingredient.


The formula used to make this syrup against varicose veins is as follows:

  • Elderberry extract.
  • Valerian rhizome.
  • Simple syrup.
  • Methylparaben and propylparaben.
  • Water

All these ingredients ended up becoming a capsule that was given to the people who participated in the study. After 15 days the decrease in varicose veins became evident.

Taking an infusion of elder leaves can help us benefit from the properties it has to combat varicose veins. Although its effects will not be as immediate or rapid as the syrup produced by the study that we have already discussed, it may be a good idea to introduce it into our diet.

If we wish, we can add a little Valerian. Of course, first we must make sure we are not allergic to any of the components.

Is surgery a solution?

Many people avoid all these tips to reduce varicose veins and prefer to resort to surgery to eliminate them. The problem is that, by not changing habits, they re-emerge. Therefore, it is very important to know how to prevent them.

Taking into account the aforementioned tips to reduce varicose veins can help us avoid suffering from them. However, we must also take into account everything the doctor can advise us.


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