Positive thinking: how to use it for daily profit


To be happy we must learn to appreciate ourselves, set our goals and try to achieve them. We must face the problems, since leaving them alone will only accumulate them. Positive thinking is something that has been mentioned many times, but can sometimes be misinterpreted. Is it possible to be so optimistic?

Certainly, we cannot avoid the most negative or traumatic events, much less the emotions that we feel.

However, the positive thought that tries to make us understand is that you can always get ahead and even learn from those experiences. Because, many times, we stagnate, which causes us to gradually fade away.

In any case, remember that the best thing you can do if you feel down is to go to a mental health professional. They can help us with specific attention, since what we describe here does not have to work for you.

The worst storm is the one that forms in our mind

We tend to underestimate the power of our minds. But the thoughts that predominate in it will make us face our days with energy or with apathy.

How many times have we woke up thinking that we are going to have a horrible and heavy day, or that we have to face a complicated situation and we will not be able to measure up? How many mornings have we worried about the future?

Surely we have experienced this on occasion and the consequences are palpable. We woke up grumpy, wanting to stay home and not wanting to see anyone. However, we must fulfill our obligations.

This could lead us to be tense, irritable and give bad answers to those around us. The negative thoughts haunt our minds and we cannot release them. This occurs because we do not stop feeding them.

The loop of negative thoughts

Why do we immerse ourselves in a loop of negative thoughts? Because it is the easiest. If we ever analyze the number of times we complain in just one day we would be surprised.

Sometimes, we catch the negativity and complaints of other people. Watching television and news full of disasters informs us about what is happening in the world, but also brings us a lot of negativity. However, we can make up for all of this.

The other option, positive thinking

Have we ever detected a negative thought and transformed it into a positive one? This is an excellent exercise to cleanse our minds of all the negativity in it.

Positive thinking is not putting on glasses and seeing everything rosy. This is not real. However, it is very important that we realize that we must worry about having more positive than negative thoughts in our minds.

The reason is that this will allow us to feel good, safe, motivated and full of energy. It is not something easy to achieve, but being aware of this that we have already pointed out is a very important first step.

Exercises to think positive

We have already mentioned an exercise we can do to start introducing positive thinking into our lives. However, there are a few more, even practices that can be really rewarding.

To meditate

Meditation allows us to connect with the present and, most importantly, to observe our thoughts. In this way, we can be aware of them and let them flow without retaining them in our minds.

However, one of the greatest benefits of meditation is that it makes us aware of the here and now, helping us to relativize problems, allowing us to let go of the past and helping us to stop worrying about the future.

If we make meditation a habit, little by little we will feel better and positive thoughts will have a bigger place in our mind. The negatives will not go away, but we will not cling to them.

The emotional diary

Although the option to change negative thoughts can work, even saying “enough!” Whenever one of these thoughts is tormenting us, it is a very good idea to have an emotional journal.

The reason is that we can go back to that newspaper and really see what kind of emotions we feel, how much negativity there is and if it is justified. In most cases, we will realize that we are too pessimistic and this will urge us to change.

Many times we forget about the little things around us that make us happy. We tend to seek idealized happiness when, in fact, it lies in balance, taking care of ourselves and taking advantage of each day experiencing it with our five senses.

Have you ever stopped to analyze if there are more negative than positive thoughts in your mind? We encourage you to start introducing positive thinking into your life.


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